What Is Desktop And Server Security?

Desktop And Server Security 

Introduction  :

            Operating System is a program that controls the execution of application programs. It is an interfere between applications and hardware. Operating system security is a paramount if we are to secure the information it controls. In order to have a secure operating it must be supported by suitable computer architecture and the implementation of the computer architecture must of course itself be appropriately engineered.

What Is Desktop And Server Security?
What Is Desktop And Server Security?

              If the underlying technology from which the operating system is built and on which it is supported is not secure, the one can have no confidence in the security of the operating system and of the information, it maintains for the users. Even should the operating system and its supporting infrastructure potentially is secure, it is essential to follow appropriate rules so as not to allow the users to compromise their own security.

            An important issue is how important security is, and how much are we willing to pay for it, in financial, convenience, performance and other terms. A perfectly secure system is unlikely to be popular since it will by necessity, omit many of the popular but highly insecure features to which people have become accustomed. Interestingly many of the emerging problems that are now plaguing us as computer users, like junk e-mail, computer viruses and worms, and loss of privacy , are largely self-inflicted, through use of insecure technologies.

          E-mail was "Safe" before the advent of attachments, especially executable attachments. Web surfing was "Safe" Before executable applets and other active sites became possible and popular. However operating systems have never really been secure in themselves. They have tended to rely on skilled users and administrators to cooperate in maintaining security.

             Now that the end user and administrator are likely to be technically naive, it is more important to design and produce systems that give the give the lay users some hope of maintaining their information security. This requires good operating systems security infrastructure provided in a form that is easy to use and understand. A big question which is being asked by every person today to another is : IS YOUR PC SECURE ?

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