What is Logic Bomb?

Types Of Malware : What is Logic Bomb?

             A logic bomb is a program, or portion of a program, which lies dormant until a specific piece of program logic is  activated. In this way, a logic bomb is very analogous to a real-world land mine.

              The most common activator for a logic bomb is a Date. The logic bomb checks the system date and does nothing until a pre-programmed date and time is reached.  At that point, the logic bomb activates and executes  it's code.

What is Logic Bomb - Types Of Malware
Logic Bomb - Types Of Malware

               A logic bomb could also be programmed to wait for a certain message from the programmer. Eg: The logic bomb could check a web site once a week for a certain message. When the logic bomb sees that message, or when the logic bomb stops seeing that message, it activates and executes it's code. Because a logic bomb does not replicate itself, it is very easy to write a logic bomb program. This also means that a logic bomb will not spread to unintended victims. In some ways, a logic bomb is the most civilized programmed threat, because a logic bomb must be targeted against a specific victim.

            A logic bomb can also be programmed to activate on a wide variety of other variables, such as when a database grows past a certain size or a users home directory is deleted.

         Writing a Logic Bomb program is similar to creating a Trojan Horse. Both also have about the same ability to damage data, too. Logic Bombs include a timing devise so it will go off at a particular data and time. The Michelangelo virus is embedded in a logic bomb, for example,Other virus programs often include coding similar to that used in logic bomb, but the bombs can be very destructive on their own, even if they lack the ability of the virus to reproduce.

           Logic Bomb are usually timed to do maximum damage. That means the logic bomb is a favored device for revenge by disgruntled former employees who can set it to activate after they have left the company. One common trigger occurs when the dismissed employee's name is deleted from payroll records. On one occasion, a student left a logic bomb timed to explode and wipe out his university's records well after he had collected his degree and was long gone. This example illustrates the pernicious nature of logic bombs which can be written literally decades before they explode. The built-in delay has been used to hold software " HOSTAGE " until a ransom is paid. These ransom demands are usually announced via a message to the user warning them to " pay up and we will tell you how to turn off the bomb ". Logic Bombs can also be insurance for suppliers or consultants who set up a computer system, causing data to be destroyed if their bills are not paid.

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