Network Security is achieved by various tools including firewalls and proxy servers, encryption, logical security and access controls, antivirus software, and auditing systems such as log management.
Firewalls are a very basic part of network security. They are often placed between the private local network and the internet. Firewalls provide a flow through for traffic in which it can be authenticated. monitored, logged, and reported. Some different types of firewalls include : Network layer firewalls, screened subnet firewalls, packet filter firewalls, dynamic packet filtering firewalls, hybrid firewalls, transparent firewalls, and application-level firewalls.
Proxy servers hide the true address of the client workstation and can also act as a firewall. Proxy server firewalls have special software to enforce authentication. Proxy server firewalls act as a middle man for user requests.
Antivirus software programs such as Avast and Symantec software locate and dispose of malicious content. These virus protection programs run live updates to ensure they have the latest information about known computer viruses.
Logical Security includes software safeguards for an organization's systems, including user ID and password access, authentication, access rights and authority levels. These measures are to ensure that only authorized users are able to perform actions or access information in a network or a workstation.
Auditing systems, track and record what happens over an organization's network. Log Management solutions are often used to centrally collect audit trails from heterogeneous systems for analysis and forensics. Log management is excellent for tracking and identifying unauthorized users that might be trying to access the network, and what authorized users have been accessing in the network and changes to user authorities. Software that record and index user activities within window sessions such as ObserveIT provide comprehensive audit trail of user activities when connected remotely through terminal services, Citrix and other remote access software.
According to a 2006 survey of 3243 NMAP users by Insecure.Org, NESSUS, WIRESHARK, and SNORT some top rated network security tools. According to the same survey, the BackTrack Live CD is the top rated information Security auditing and penetration testing distribution.